DIGIWELD project is an initiative funded under Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships with the main goal to make a step orward in embracing digital era by providing digital tools for open education and innovative practices for apprentices (16-20 years old) from VET schools (I-VET) and for welders who wants to acquire new skills and competences in welding field in order to become more qualified (C-VET).
our objectives
DIGIWELD project is addressing to teachers/trainers by giving them the opportunity to acquire digital competences and new knowledges in the field of simulators and network of simulators as primary tool for integrating digital tools in educational and training process.
DIGIWELD project will contribute to the promotion of the use of ICT as a driver for systemic change to increase quality and relevance of education at VET level (I-VET and C-VET). By setting up a Simulation Training Network (SIMTRANET) in the field of welding education, DIGIWELD will fill the gap between theorethical education and practice. The simulators will substitute the practical training for I-VET and will contribute to the acquiring of new skills and competences for welders in C-VET. SIMTRANET will represent an international network for training of the apprentices using simulators in the field of arc-welding technology being open for all users among the Europe. SIMTRANET will boost the availability and quality of open and digital educational resources and pedagogies for VET education in cooperation with European open source communities in the field or arc-welding technology.
DIGIWELD project will provide new teaching methods for trainers and digital tools for an attractive augmented learning environment using welding simulators. All digital materials (courses, presentations, videos and animations, real life welding study cases, practice modules) will be produce during DIGIWELD project lifetime and implemented in welding simulator for an innovative learning management system.
DIGIWELD consortium represents a strategic partnership between international education and training entities with the main goal to offer a proper platform for acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences for apprentices, as well as for teachers/trainers in the field of welding and digital learning based on simulators. SIMTRANET as digital platform will offer open access to all candidates who wants to acquire digital competences and basic skills for three different welding procedures (TIG, MIG, MMA).
DIGIWELD consortium will develop digital examination tool in order to assess the skills and competences of the candidates. The candidates can use freely the digital examinat tool for theoretical and practical assessment of their skills and competences through learning managements system and open software provided by the project.
DIGIWELD project will be focused on the developing digital learning, practising and assessment tools for I-VET and C-VET, in close cooperation with industrial partners, VET schools and other formal or non-formal education and training entities, in order to foster employability and personal development in the field of welding as well as information and communication technology.